12 Golden Job Application Tips: Secure Your New Job

Are you looking for job application tips? Do you want to maximize your chances of getting invited for an interview and making a great impression? Here are the most important tips to help you secure that new job!

This article is intended for those who have found a suitable job vacancy and are looking for tips to get invited to an interview and to perform well during it. If you are still unsure about what career path to take, read our article ‘Which Job Suits Me?’.

Found a Job Vacancy

So, you’ve found the vacancy for your dream job. Where do you start?

Tip 1: Google Yourself

Assume that recruiters conduct thorough online research on candidates. Before sending your CV and cover letter, check what can be found about you online. Google yourself and see if there’s anything that could leave a negative impression on your potential new employer.

Don’t forget your social media. Are there old vacation photos on Facebook or Instagram that are no longer appropriate? Make your profiles private.

Tip 2: Review Your CV

Go for a professional, organized look. An easy way to achieve this is with a free CV template in Word. Get to the point. Clearly state what is relevant and avoid unnecessary details. Your CV should remain clear and concise. List important skills for the job at the top, as these are often looked at first. Have someone else check your CV and provide feedback. What seems logical to you might not be to someone else. Check out these 10 tips for a good CV.

Tip 3: Write an Attractive Cover Letter

Write a lively, enthusiastic, and personal letter. Clearly explain how your qualities match the job requirements. Be brief and to the point. Have someone else review your letter and ask for feedback. Check out these 10 tips for a good cover letter.

Tip 4: Lacking Experience? Highlight the Qualities You Do Have

If you don’t have enough experience for the job, don’t worry. You can often still apply. It’s possible that none of the candidates fully meet the job requirements, or that no one else is applying.

In your cover letter and CV, emphasize the qualities you do have and how they can add value, rather than focusing too much on your lack of experience.

Preparing for the Interview

Got invited for an interview? Great! Use the following tips to go into the interview well-prepared.

Tip 5: Research the Employer

Know where you are applying. Dive into the company by thoroughly reviewing their website and Googling the latest developments. What is the company’s mission? What appeals to you about it? Why do you want to make the switch?

Tip 6: Prepare for Tough Questions

In almost every job interview, you will get a few questions that don’t have a right or wrong answer. These are often open-ended questions that your interviewer asks to get a better picture of you and see how you handle unexpected situations. Some examples:

What are your three strongest qualities, and how do you use them? What is your weakest point and what are you doing to improve it? Why did you leave your previous employer? Where do you see yourself in five years? What would you do if you won the lottery?

Think about possible answers beforehand. It’s important to be honest and not to memorize your answers, as this can come across as unnatural.

Tip 7: Know Your Interviewer

A smart trick: check out your interviewer’s LinkedIn profile and look for commonalities. Do you come from the same city? Do you have similar interests? Try to bring this up during the interview. Research shows that people who have things in common feel more connected to each other (Cialdini, 2009).

Tip 8: Prepare Questions

Someone who asks questions appears engaged and proactive. Did you come across any ambiguities when reading the job vacancy? Or did questions arise when you reviewed the company’s website? Remember them!

Tip 9: Dress Professionally

An easy way to make a good first impression is to look professional and well-groomed. Get a haircut and dress appropriately. Check your wardrobe a few days in advance to ensure you have the right clothes, giving you enough time to buy a new outfit if needed.

The Interview

Finally, the job interview. How do you make a good impression? These tips will help.

Tip 10: Take Your Time Speaking

If you need it, dare to take a short moment of silence before answering a question. This allows you to think and formulate a better answer. And if the question isn’t clear, ask for clarification!

Tip 11: Be Yourself

It may sound obvious, but it’s very important: be yourself and don’t try to be someone you’re not. Don’t play a role; it’s not a play. Use your own words and give answers based on your own opinions and thoughts. Show who you really are!

Tip 12: It’s Okay to Be Nervous

It’s normal to be a bit nervous before an interview. Recruiters often encounter nervous applicants and are skilled at seeing past the nerves.

Don’t try too hard to suppress your nerves, as this often makes it worse.

With these tips, you’ll be well-prepared to secure your dream job. Good luck!